Well. I don't know where to start with the Summer I've had, so I won't. Far, far too much happened, and something had to give, which for me was the luxury of checking blogs, writing my own, and being a chatterbox in my Flickr groups.
Among all the new things I've learned over the Summer (think mowing lawns, pumping car tyres) there were some great highlights.
Had a half hive get together at Susan's, and threw some kids into the mix

Had a fab time at fellow Bee Ceri's wedding

Had a rip roaring time with another Bee, Judith, talking till all hours of the morning

Attended both the Olympics and Paralympics a few times

Didn't sew all Summer except for this for a swap partner

And these for Miss July

And these for Miss August, though I've been so slack, I haven't sent them yet

Husband was shipped out of the country, children were shipped off to school, and I took myself off to the Victory Parade will a million others in London

I'm trying to adjust to my new circumstances, but I'll have it all down pat soon, meanwhile I'll try and get around to see as many of your blogs as time will allow.
Thanks so much for peeking at my feeble efforts to blog!
Terri x